App User Service Agreement

Effective date: January 31, 2023

Important Notices of User Service Agreement

This Agreement is a legal agreement between you (an individual or a single entity) and the service provider of this application regarding the services provided by the service provider to you. We hereby remind you that if you want to use the relevant services, you must carefully read the terms of these Terms of Service in advance, including the disclaimers that exempt or limit the developer’s liability and the restrictions on the rights of users. Please review and accept or reject these Terms of Service (minors should be accompanied by their legal guardians when reviewing). Once these Terms of Service are changed, the modified content will be announced in the official media. Once the modified Terms of Service are announced in the official media, they will effectively replace the original Terms of Service. You can visit the official media at any time to view the latest version of the Terms of Service. If you do not agree to the changes to the Terms of Service, you should not use or actively cancel the relevant services. Otherwise, any of your login, viewing and other use of the relevant services will be deemed as your understanding and acceptance of the relevant changes and this Agreement. If you choose to accept this agreement to activate the service, it means that you agree to be bound by the terms of the agreement. If you do not agree to these Terms of Service, you will not be able to obtain the right to use this service. If you violate any provision of these Terms, the service provider has the right to suspend or terminate your eligibility to use the service at any time and reserves the right to pursue relevant legal liability.

Unless otherwise specified, the following terms in this Agreement have the following meanings:

  • Service Provider: refers to the production company of the “Timelody” APP, namely Nanjing Femtosecond Information Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Application: “Timelody” APP.

1、This application and service are developed by the service provider and are protected by international copyright treaties and other intellectual property laws and treaties.

2、Users may use the application and enjoy the services in accordance with this Agreement on the premise of complying with the law and these terms, but users are not entitled to carry out the following actions, including but not limited to:

​ 2-1、Delete all copyright information and content on the application and other copies;

​ 2-2、Reverse engineering, disassembly, and decompilation of applications;

​ 2-3、With respect to the relevant information in the application, without the written consent of the developer, users shall not carry out the following actions, including but not limited to: use, copy, modify, link, reprint, compile, publish, establish mirror sites, or develop derivative products or works related to the “software” without authorization.

​ 2-4、Use applications and services to publish, transmit, disseminate, and store content that endangers national security, national unity, and social stability, or is insulting, defamatory, pornographic, violent, causes discomfort to others, or violates any national laws, regulations, or policies.

​ 2-5、Use, publish, transmit, disseminate, and store content that infringes upon others’ intellectual property rights, trade secrets, and other legal rights.

​ 2-6、Perform any behavior that endangers the security of computer networks, including but not limited to: using unauthorized data or entering unauthorized servers/accounts; entering public computer networks or other people’s computer systems without permission and deleting, modifying, or adding stored information; attempting to detect, scan, or test the weaknesses of the “software” system or network without permission, or other behaviors that undermine network security; attempting to interfere with or undermine the normal operation of the “software” system or website, intentionally spreading malicious programs or viruses, and other behaviors that undermine and interfere with normal network information services; forging TCP/IP data packet names or part of the names.

3、Users must understand that the use of this service product involves Internet services, which may be affected by unstable factors in various links. Therefore, there is a risk of service interruption or failure to meet user requirements due to force majeure, computer viruses or hacker attacks, system instability, user location, user shutdown, and any other technical, Internet, communication line reasons.

4、Users must understand that when using this service product, there is a risk of anonymous or pseudonymous information from any other person, including threatening, defamatory, offensive or illegal content or behavior, or infringement of the rights of others (including intellectual property rights). Users must bear the above risks. The developer does not make any type of warranty for the service, whether explicit or implied, including all implied warranties and conditions regarding the authenticity of the information, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, ownership and non-infringement, and does not assume any responsibility for any direct, indirect, incidental, special and subsequent damages caused by the user’s improper or illegal use of the service.

5、The use of this service must comply with relevant national laws and policies, safeguard national interests, protect national security, and comply with these terms. Users are fully responsible for all liability arising from their use of the service in violation of the law or this agreement (including but not limited to the publication and transmission of speech, etc.).

6、Respecting the privacy of users’ personal privacy information is the principle of this application and service. The developer will take reasonable measures to protect users’ personal privacy information. Except for reasons such as requirements of laws or government departments with legal authority or user consent, users’ personal privacy information will not be disclosed or revealed to third parties without the user’s consent.

7、Users are especially reminded that they must comply with relevant national policies and laws when using the Internet, such as the Criminal Law, the National Security Law, the State Secrecy Law, the Computer Information System Security Protection Regulations, etc., to protect national interests and national security. Users are fully responsible for all liabilities arising from illegal use of the Internet.

7-1、Users may not use this application and its services to send or disseminate any information that disrupts public order or is illegal, false, harassing, insulting, threatening, harmful, destructive, provocative, obscene or pornographic.

7-2、Users may not use this application and service to send or disseminate sensitive information or information that violates national laws and regulations.

7-3、This application and service, like most Internet products, are susceptible to various security issues, including but not limited to:

1)Disclosing detailed personal information can be exploited by criminals and cause harassment in real life.

2)Cheating, code breaking.

3)Other downloaded and installed software may contain viruses such as “Trojan Horses” that threaten the security of information and data on personal computers and, in turn, the use of this application and its services.

8、Please be careful not to disclose your important information such as various property accounts, bank cards, credit cards, QQ numbers and corresponding passwords when using this application and services, otherwise any losses caused by this will be borne by the user.

9、Users should use this application and services in a standardized and legal manner. If a user causes trouble, harasses, deceives other users in a public environment, or commits other acts that violate this Agreement, the developer has the right to terminate the service once discovered.

10、Users must understand that the service provider has the right to modify or interrupt, suspend or terminate the service at any time for the overall operation of this application. The service provider is obligated to notify you of the service status based on your registration information. The service provider does not need to be responsible or assume any compensation liability to you or any third party for exercising the aforementioned rights.